This phase of engagement has ended.
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Street lighting Haringey logoStreet lighting Haringey


  • Commonplace consultation

    March 2023




    April 2023

    Your opportunity to have your say using the interactive map. This 4-week engagement exercise ends on 30th April 2023.
  • Data and feedback analysis

    April 2023




    May 2023

    We will review the feedback and data collected.
  • Street lighting investment plan developed

    May 2023




    July 2023

    We will make a site visit to each of the locations suggested. The suggestions will then be prioritised based on locations with no light, defective lighting, lighting levels below British Standards, high number of pedestrians and nearby institutions, and where the column is likely to need replacement within 5 years. This will be used to inform future street lighting programmes.
  • Feedback on Commonplace outcome

    June 2023




    September 2023

    Confirm locations we will look at in 2023 and 2024.
  • Purchase equipment

    September 2023




    December 2023

    Order and receive delivery of any equipment needed to complete the works prioritised from this commonplace.
  • Commence Street lighting works

    January 2024





    Works will begin from January 2024.